ISC First Team All World
- Ben Enoka, @NYGremlins
- Mathieu Roy, New York Gremlins
- Quinten Bruce, @bearcreek_
- Jerome Raemaki, New York Gremlins
- Jonathan Lynch,@HUchiefs
- Cole Evans, New York Gremlins
- Cam Schiller, @NiagaraStompers
- Scott Nehaj, @GPPirates
- Juan Zara, @NiagaraStompers
- Huemul Mata, Niagara Stompers
- Sean Cleary, @bearcreek_
- Jack Besgrove, @NYGremlins
ISC Second Team All World
- Colin Walsh @bearcreek_
- Jordan Pomeroy, Bear Creek Express
- Scott Patterson,@HUchiefs
- Ladislao Malarczuk,@NYGremlins
- David Galeno, Bear Creek Express
- Lenny Villalvazo, JB
- Blaine Milheim,@NiagaraStompers
- Federico Olheiser, AWP Lumberjacks
- Luiger Pinto, @CircleTapDukes
- Roman Godoy, JB
- Andrew Kirkpatrick,@NYGremlins
- Ty Sebastian,@torontobatmen
Individual Award Winners
Leading Hitter: Jeff Lewis, @KBKfastpitch
12-15 .800
Most RBIs: Luiger Pinto, @CircleTapDukes
& Jonathan Lynch, @HUchiefs – 12
Kevin Herlihy Newcomer Award: Jack Besgrove,@NYGremlins
Leroy Zimmerman Most Outstanding Pitcher: Jack Besgrove, @NYGremlins
Cleo Goyette Most Valuable Player: Cole Evans, @NYGremlins
Jim, thank you for the excellent coverage you gave to the ISC WT this year! You made it easy to learn game results at a glance and to find the game videos and Game Changer box scores, etc. That’s why is important to the world fastpitch community!