A-1 Bombers Sign Pitcher Marty Grant

The Casa Trejo A-1 Bombers are very pleased to announce the signing of pitcher Marty Grant of New Zealand for the 2008 season. Grant is a long-time and highly respected member of the New Zealand National team and played this past season in the New Zealand club circuit. While unable to compete in 2004 due to an injury, Marty has been a star pitcher for New Zealand during their ISF Gold Medal run over the last several competitions and was a key pitcher for the Decatur Pride in the ISC a few years ago, twice being named All-World.

“We’ve been in discussions with Marty for a few weeks now and with his permission, we added him to our roster prior to May 1st, to enable this opportunity. Marty Grant has extensive International experience and is a world-class pitcher, and we’re obviously very excited to add his talent and leadership to our club.”

The Bomber’s ownership, staff and players welcome Marty and look forward to his contribution in 2008.


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