A Note About Photos

A commenter to MaddysPhotos.com writes about the 2009 AAU Photos:

“Cant seem to find any pics of the team from ohio. Why is this ? Ohio teams are always left out but always in the running this year I think 5th”

A reply was posted to the commenter, but in case you don’t see it there, you’ll find some on pages 18, 19, 22, 23, and 24 of the galleries.

Editor’s note: From time to time, we receive emails asking why there are no photos of a particular team or player. Let me apologize in advance to anyone left out or who feels left out. It’s going to happen, despite best efforts.

This year’s AAU tournament had 40 teams, playing on six different diamonds, two of which were located in the north 40. That’s about 600 players, give or take, plus tournament officials and fans. Maddy arrived late Thursday night, started shooting first thing Friday morning, and shot straight through the title game on Sunday, about 3000 shots in all. (enough to develop some serious carpal tunnel on that trigger finger :-)). She works hard to try to get photos of as many teams as is possible. I know because she’s left me at the hotel early in the morning, more than a time or two, in order to cover a team that she’d otherwise miss.

The process to review and process the photos takes a solid weekend of work at the computer, and some tough choices about which ones to post. In the end, she tries to choose a cross-section of teams, include her best shots, that capture the action, story and feel of the tournament. Due to legal (patent) limitations, she is limited to 500 photos per event. (lawyers!) So that means about three-fourths of the shots she took wound up on the cutting room floor. (Some good ones of you, no doubt) 🙂 If you don’t find the photos that you’re looking for, chances are you will in time.

Anyway, you can write to Maddy directly at maddy (at) maddysphotos (dot) com.

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