New and Improved Al’s Fastball Archive

We are pleased to announce a “new and improved” archive for Al’s Fastball.

As many of you know, Fastpitchwest has been providing a semi-permanent home for Al’s archives, ever since former “Escribe” site went down this summer, during the ISC World Tournament. The features of the replacement archive were more limited than the Escribe site, due to limitations in the software.

The “new and improved” archive restores the two most missed features of the former Escribe site:

1) Newer items post at the top of the page, eliminating the long scroll to the bottom of the page;
2) The search engine is back, enabling readers to find old posts.

Please note that the address to send email to Al Doran remains the same,

Because the new archive uses built in email address protection, if you send anything to Al’s Fastball for posting, please include your email address in the following format:


(the first one will enable people who need to contact you to see you email address, the second will show up with the “@” in the email that Al’s subscribers receive of postings to the list — even though it is obfuscated with an [EMAIL PROTECTED] when it goes up on the archive)

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