Please share this info with your teams. This year we have 17 teams playing in 2 divisions. Weather is looking to be AWESOME 80+ degrees, no idea on Celsius for you Canadians.
*Attached is the Tournament Profile, Rules, Rec. Division schedule and bracket.
55th Seattle Invitational Field of Teams
55th Seattle Invitational & NAFA OPEN_Rules
55th Seattle Invite Profile_NAFAOPEN
**Some Game times were pushed back 15 min- to allow for field prep.
Couple Important Items:
Tournament Info will be updated after each game on Facebook: Seattle Invitational at Fife
Hotel Rooms- if you need a room Quality Inn and Rodeway Inn still have some available. Quality Inn is $85 a night! Check
Fields 1 & 2 are across the street at the middle school. Golf carts are available to shuttle you to and from. Or you can drive over. It’s about an 8 min. walk.
Beer Garden- FREE on FRIDAY to players and coaches….please tip the ladies.
Concession stand and Beer Garden are CASH only
Dean Waltier will be selling T-shirts
If you have any questions let me know, Benjie Hedgecock will be taking over from here in regards to the tournament portion. we are looking forward to a great event!

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