A note from Roberta Thompson, wife of our friend, the late Dewey Thompson:
Dwight’s HeartLights
Hello Everyone…
There is just 46 days until the 2008 American Heart Association Heart Walk steps off. We hope you will be able to join us on Sunday Sept. 14th at the Irvine Spectrum. I have purposely waited until now to send this email, as I didn’t want to be a pest. I hope it makes a difference to everyone.
It’s hard to believe that it was just a short and yet long five years ago, we were forced into forming a band of walkers known as Dwight’s HeartLights.
We have tried to help make a small difference in helping to collect funds to assist the efforts of the Orange County Chapter of the American Heart Association. With your help, we will be able to continue our efforts. We are raising critical dollars for heart disease and stroke research and education.
You can help me reach the team goal by making a donation online. Click on the link below and you will be taken to my personal donation page where you can make a secure online credit card donation. The American Heart Association’s online fundraising website has a minimum donation amount of $25.00. If you prefer to donate less, you can do so by sending a check directly to me.
As you think about how you can participate, please keep in mind the times that I have supported many of your interests & causes and join me in my efforts to support the American Heart Association
Thank you for your support.
Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support American Heart Association – Orange County, CA
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***********************************Roberta Thompson